Testimonials of Arval's Women for International Women's Day

People 8 Mar 2024

Arval Commitment for gender equality

At Arval, we are trully invested in diversity, that’s the reason why we launched programmes to promote gender equality, inclusion and equity to allow all women at Arval and also those who are not yet, to have the same working conditions as men.

Today, it’s the 8th march, the International Women’s Day and for this occasion we decided to leave the floor to 2 Arval’s women to know more about these programmes and what Arval does every day to give women power.

Women In Action

We are convinced that Diversity is the foundation for a great managerial and corporate culture. That’s why we have decided to create our charter women in action.

What benefits have you been able to get from the Women In Action Programme? 

Yaël: I was indeed lucky enough to belong to the first class of this very beautiful programme. Once again, I would like to thank Arval for this great opportunity. This programme has allowed me to take the time to reflect on my past career but also on the future path, to have time for myself which is a real opportunity, a luxury today! I was able to redefine my priorities and my wishes for the future.

Ingrid: I was very grateful to belong to that programme (still I am) and it first helps in my self-confidence. I had the chance to participate in many workshops, trainings and conferences that provide me tools and knowledge to advance and progress further. Being introduced in a strong community of women that became my community, the one on which I/we can still rely today was a real chance for me. It enables to share experience in a supporting environment.

Women in Action Programme

What message do you think is important to share with women who are thinking about their careers?

Yaël: Nothing is ever written and planned, the professional career is made up of the luck factor and the opportunity factor. You need an alignment of planets, you need to be there at the right time in the right place. I think these are some of the ingredients that make a career, but not only. You have to be an actor/actress in your career. Networking is working, work on your network internally and externally at all times, be curious and of course develop your skills. It is important to know-how to do things, but what is essential nowadays is to make things known. Communicate about your actions, successes and results. This is key. These are actions that must be done constantly and not only when thinking about changing jobs. If a great offer is made to you, don't think, take it, go for it! If you want to take on more responsibility, if you are interested in a particular position, come forward, dare, don't wait for someone to come and look for you, take the lead! Here are a few tips I'd like to share today. 

Ingrid: Believe in yourself and your abilities, don’t hesitate to step outside from your comfort zone and you will be surprised by your capacities to grow fast. Stop waiting to ‘be perfect’ before applying to a job that interests you, stop being shy and stop judging your capabilities, you deserve! Forget your imposter syndrome and take new challenges with all the courage you do have and show during all your women challenges of life.

March 8: Women's Day

What does March 8 mean to you? 

Yaël: This day allows us to take stock of the situation of women around the world, even if we unfortunately do not need this day to make an observation, the news being there to remind us of it every day!! It is also a question of highlighting advances and progress and continuing to mobilize people on this fight for equality and parity between women and men.

Ingrid: It’s a significant day for recognizing and celebrating all achievements of women around the world . It’s unfortunately also a way to recognize that still a huge work has to be done in gender equality and women’s rights.

Where do we stand in terms of professional gender equality in BNP Paribas Group?

Yaël: Let's recall some of BNPP's figures in terms of parity. BNP Paribas fully integrates the issue of professional equality into its HR programmes and is continuing its efforts to ensure gender diversity in professions and the representation of women for shared governance. With regard to the feminisation of its management bodies, BNP Paribas has set itself clear gender diversity objectives that are even more ambitious than the law, in particular.

40% of women by 2025 on the Group’s Executive Committee, the G100 and Senior Management Positions.

50% of women among Tomorrow’s leader

In 2022, 31% of BNP Paribas’ IT sector were women, +10 points compared to the global average.

In conclusion, can you tell us who are the women who inspire you in your job and in your life?

Yaël: Simone Veil, Elisabeth Badinter and Golda Meir are women who inspire me with their stands, their resilience and the place they have managed to take in their respective fields.

Ingrid: As a child, I was really inspired by my grandmother that educated alone her 9 children, never complaining, working hard and always promoting me, as a girl, to become independent, free and confident. She was always telling and showing us that a woman deserves as much as a man, same attitude and message given by my mother as well. Still now they are a source of inspiration and example for me. During my studies, I feel as well inspired by Marie Curie. Her determination to overcome barriers in a male dominated environment is admirable. It was even more difficult at that time and she succeed, why won’t we?

Image women's day


Yaël BENNATHANPresident of the BNP Paribas MixCity Association says: You have to be an actor/actress in your career. It is important to know-how to do things, but what is essential nowadays is to make things known. Communicate about your actions, successes and results. This is key.

Ingrid PAUTRAT, Global Head of Electric Vehicles: Believe in yourself and your abilities, don’t hesitate to step outside from your comfort zone and you will be surprised by your capacities to grow fast. Stop waiting to ‘be perfect’ before applying to a job that interests you, stop being shy and stop judging your capabilities, you deserve!

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