
  • jira

    what is Jira ?

  • process to ask for a Jira account

    Apply on MyIT to start the process. ( Click on Business application, access request or modification and fill out the request)


    You will receive a mail from them saying that the ticket is closed (it means that the account is created).


    Tell to One IT team, Driss Bentounsi  that you have an account on JIRA, he will give you the access to the project APO Websites Factory



    You are now able to use the tool and APO Project ! Click here to connect


    What is JIRA?

    JIRA is a tool developed by Australian Company Atlassian. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. The basic use of this tool is to track issue and bugs related to your software and mobile apps. It is also used for project management. The JIRA dashboard consists of many useful functions and features which make handling of issues easy. 

    What is JIRA Issue?

    JIRA issue would track bug or issue that underlies the project. Once you have imported project then you can create request.

    What is APO Website Factory?

    APO Website Factory is the current project for Drupal 8 request, you can raise the tickets directly to Datawords if you are facing any issues on Drupal 9.

    How to use Jira?

    You'll find some tips and How-to on Jira: User guide